Gain Muscle and Lose Fat – TT Meatheads IV: Get Lean and Jacked Workout B

CLICK HERE for a FREE WORKOUT!! We’re going to do a lot of different things in this workout starting with the first exercise. This isn’t your classic superset format. You will be doing dumbbell forward lunges, performing all reps on one side before switching to the other for all reps on that side. You will do these for 8 reps on each side. Take a minute rest and repeat this set 2 more times for a total of 3 sets. Next, you will move into a barbell squats and back extensions. Barbell back squats are next. Your legs will be a little tired from the last set, so you won’t use your maximum weight for these. With the bar positioned at chest height, step underneath it with a relatively close grip (unless you have shoulder mobility problems). Take the bar off the rack and step back with a medium stance with feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Keep your chest up, head forward and up and drop your hips down and back, then drive back up. For Back Extensions, lie down on the ball with your feet in a shoulder width stance for good support. Positionyour hands behind your head and keep your chest up as you raise your body up. You can also use a back extension chair if you have access to one. Rest for 1 minute and repeat that set 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets. Next, you will move into a kettlebell 500 circuit as the interval portion of this program. You will only do 3 exercises, but you will perform 500 total repetitions. First, start with

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  3. JonathansFilmsInc

    how are you jacked and lean? were not going to believe you if your not actually ‘jacked and lean’…

  4. how much weight can those balls take?

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