Gain Muscle and Lose Fat with TT Buff Dudes and Hot Chicks Workout A

CLICK HERE for a FREE Workout!! This workout will work to build a really tight butt. Your first time through the workout, just do one set, after however, you can go through each superset three times. With that being said, the first superset in this workout will pair a leg exercise with an abdominal exercise. First up is Walking Lunges. So, with dumbbells at your sides and feet shoulder width apart, step forward, drop straight down and drive up to the start position, alternating sides. Do all repetitions walking forward. Once you’re finished with that exercise you’ll move onto the Stability Ball Pike. This exercise is very similar to the stability ball jackknives. However, the Pike is a little bit more advanced. And for people that have limited flexibility in their hamstrings, you won’t be able to pike up very much, but with practice your range of motion will improve. This exercise will produce an excellent contraction in your abdominals, but the key is to keep your back as flat as possible. So, with your toes on the ball and your hands on the ground, mimic the plank position. From this point you will roll the ball up and stretch those hamstrings while contracting the abs, and then back out. You’ll find that over time you will get better at this exercise as your hamstring flexibility will improve as will your balance. All along, however, you should get a strong contraction in your abdominals. If you find that exercise to be too difficult, then

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  1. in another video this guys shits in his pants!!! LOL it was hilarious!!

  2. noonevincecarterfan

    I love your work. You’re clearly making a big difference in many people’s lives with the way you motivate and encourage to train and live healthy. I really take my hat off for that!

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