Posts Tagged: LEGS

Nov 10

Stability Ball Circuit for Abs and Legs

CLICK HERE for a FREE WORKOUT!! You’re probably thinking two workouts per week at only 20 minutes are not enough to lose fat. To be honest, however, if you combine a great diet with those two workouts, then you’ll experience incredible changes. But, if you want to do a little more then you can do my favourite stability ball circuit on your off days. This is an excellent way to strengthen your abdominals as well as your hamstrings in a way that is hard to replicate with barbell and dumbbell exercises. This 10-15 minute circuit will be six exercises added on at the end of a Depletion workout or you can use it as a third workout and include intervals at the end. For the circuit, you will complete each exercise with no rest in between. Once you have completed a circuit, rest one minute and then repeat two to three times. For the stability ball circuit you will alternate between ab exercises and lowerback exercises. To start, you will do the stability ball ab rollout. What you want to do is place your knees on a mat, your hands on top of the ball, and then roll out and back in. Now, there are many different ways to do this exercise. For instance, you can roll out and back in quickly or you can go really slow on the way out and quick on the way back in. The important thing is to mix it up every time you work out. Also, be sure to keep your abs braced and your body in a straight line throughout the exercise. After the rollout exercise, you will do

Nov 10


CLICK HERE for a FREE WORKOUT!! Here is a legs and abs superset that will help you get six-pack abs. The first exercise is a dumbbell Split Squat. So, bring one leg back in a slightly larger step than normal and hold both dumbbells at your sides. This exercise is similar to the lunge except that you will be stationary and not step back. With your chest up,drop your hips straight down, bringing your knee to just above the floor. Next, use your lead leg glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps – to drive back up. Do all 8 reps for one side, and then switch sides. Immediately from here you will go into a stability ball Rollout. To do this exercise, kneel down on a mat with your arms outstretched on a stability ball out in front. Next, roll the ball out, stretching your abs and keeping your body in a straight line, and then contract your abs to roll the ball back in. Repeat for 10 repetitions. Once you’ve completed the superset, rest one minute and then repeat two more times for a total of three supersets. If you want, then you can add this superset to a lower body and abs workout or you can do it just on its own for 5 minutes and it’s a great way to boost your metabolism and help you get six-pack abs. Visit Turbulence Training to get your FREE sample fat burning workout. Click here to get started And to get access to the #1 weight loss secret of social support and to ask Craig Ballantyne your weight loss questions, visit the