Posts Tagged: UPPER

Nov 10


CLICK HERE for a FREE WORKOUT!! Today you’ll discover a powerful upper body superset that will let you work your chest, back and arms, all within just 10 minutes and using only two exercises. The first exercise is the Chin-up. So, with a shoulder-width a part, underhand grip, and in the dead hang position, pull your chest up to the bar, squeezing your shoulder blades together at the top. Try to use your biceps as much as you can in this exercise. Then slowly lower your body back down and repeat for 8-12 reps. If you can do more than that, then add a little weight around your waist, using a weight belt. Next, you’ll go immediately into a dumbbell Chest Press. While doing this exercise you want to use your triceps as much as possible. So, bring your elbows in a little bit, and in addition to pressing through the chest, try to press through the triceps. By making these minor adjustments to emphasize the use of your bi’s and tri’s, you’ll really work these muscles a lot harder than you normally would. So once you’ve completed all the reps for the chin-up exercise, pick a weight that you can do 8-12 times and immediately go into the chest press. With your back on the bench, press the dumbbells up and in, and then down and out. Once you’ve done all the reps, rest about a minute and then go right back into the superset, completing three supersets altogether.Visit Turbulence Training to get your FREE sample fat burning workout. Click here to get started