Tips On How To Spot A Functioning Alcoholic

Based on the National Institute on Alcoholic Abuse, close to 90 % of alcoholics are known as “high-functioning.” High-functioning alcoholics are people that are experts at masking their alcohol dependency. They are not known for having unsuccessful relationships or failing in their career. Actually, they are often productive individuals with lives that appear to be nothing like that of a struggling addict. These types of individuals are usually the most challenging to treat since they usually go years without understanding that they have a problem. If there is an individual in your own life who may be covering up their alcohol dependency, then here are some tools to help you know for sure. It may be necessary to take a look at your options for the treatment of alcohol addiction; go to to find help.


Again, high-functioning addicts do not match the stereotype of a standard alcoholic, and they usually make use of it to their benefit with denial. Because they are in a position to avoid a number of the consequences of alcoholism including with family and work, they look at their lives and state, “how could I have a problem?” These alcoholics will often surround themselves with other high-functioning alcoholics that will encourage their drinking patterns in a way that causes them to feel like they are the norm. Family members may be in denial of their loved ones’ alcohol addiction and believe that they have never seen them drunk; but it is only a response to their mastery in disguising inebriation. Many of these elements fuel the denial of high-functioning alcoholics.

Unlikely Actions

Even though these kinds of alcoholics are good at masking their alcohol dependency, they’re not exempt from all of the outcomes of an addiction. Be aware of biological symptoms like shakiness, strange sleeping habits as well as other medical problems. There may also be subtle changes such as negligence with their job, missing important tasks or neglecting their function inside the family. Maybe they get charged with driving while intoxicated or lie about the money that they’re spending on alcohol.

Double Life

To the exterior world, a high-functioning alcoholic will appear to have everything together. Nevertheless, inside they might be struggling with out of control cravings that are rendering it too hard to allow them to quit even though they may wish to. At one moment, they may appear like they’ve spiraled out of control; and in an instant switch to to be composed after rationalizing their problem away. Leading a lifetime of lies and fraud could be having a serious effect on their conscience and well-being.

High-functioning alcoholics are amongst the most difficult people to help. Most notably, this is because they neglect to see and acknowledge that they have a problem. Normally, this is because they have not yet lost everything or destroyed their lives enough to allow them to see that they’re struggling with an addiction. That is why it’s so important for loved ones and friends to intercede. Without a doubt they’ll fervently deny that there is any issue at all, and it may take many attempts before you reach a breakthrough. There are intervention professionals that can help you to confront the alcoholic and effectively encourage them to treatment. Stop enabling and make a change; go to for information about an inpatient alcohol treatment center that can help.

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