United States Passport Services Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States of America (USA). It consists mainly of a small, rectangular island, along with five smaller islands east of Santo Domingo in the Caribbean Sea. Since 1917, commonwealth citizens have been citizens of the United States. For this reason, passport services Puerto Rico issue American passports.

Travel Authorization

Most people who travel to the USA or its territories require a visa, obtainable from the American Embassy in their native country. Nationals of certain countries may be eligible under the Visa Waiver Program to submit an application to the electronic system for travel authorization. They must not be in possession of a current visa, be planning to stay for 90 days or less and the purpose of their trip must be for business or pleasure. Applicants may be subject to enhanced security requirements. You may have to apply for a U S passport.

History Of Puerto Rico

Prior to the arrival of Christopher Columbus on his second voyage in November 1493, the islands of what is now the commonwealth were originally populated by an indigenous people called the Tainos. Despite invasions by France, England and the Netherlands, the islands remained under Spanish rule for more than 400 years. The islands were ceded by Spain to the United States in 1898 under the Treaty of Paris.

US Congress Involvement

Some aspects of commonwealth life are under the control of the United States Congress. These include defense, foreign relations, communications,interstate commerce and currency. Natives are not allowed to vote in elections for the American President. Their local government is the responsibility of a popularly elected major and council. San Juan has a slightly different system of local government.


Between the years 1493, when Columbus claimed the islands for Spain, and 1898, when they were handed over to the USA, the local governor was appointed by the King of Spain. In 1579, Juan Ponce de Leon II was the first native chosen to serve as governor. Since 1948, local citizens have been electing their own governor. The first elected governor was Luiz Munoz Marin, a native citizen, the first to be chosen by the people.

Physical Geography

Geographically, the big island has three distinct regions. The central mountain range, the Cordillera Central, dominates the landscape. There also exists a coastal plain and a northern plateau.

Tourist Season

Temperatures in the Commonwealth are warm throughout the entire year. The tourist season begins in April and ends in November. The least crowded period within this time interval is from May to November, which coincides with the active hurricane season.

The American passport services Puerto Rico are not necessary for US citizens who may travel freely. Non-US citizens who wish to stay longer than 90 days or who wish to work or study need to apply for a new passport, which itself is not a guarantee of entry. All visitors are required to pass inspection by the United States Agriculture Department to make sure they are not carrying prohibited substances, such as certain fruits. Those found carrying prohibited items are given an immediate fine.

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