Gain Muscle and Lose Fat with TT Buff Dudes & Hot Chicks Workout B

CLICK HERE for a FREE Workout This workout is going to be all upper body all the time. You’ll also find a couple additional supersets added in at the end, but they are purely optional. Additionally, throughout each of the exercises, really try to focus on an extra squeeze at the top of each of the exercises in the workout. If you’re looking to take your workouts to the next level, that little extra squeeze will place a bit more tension on the muscle. The first superset pairs Pull-ups with Dumbbell Chest Presses. Now, if you can’t do the Pull-ups then you can substitute that exercise with Dumbbell Rows, Assisted Pull-ups, or even Dumbbell Pullovers. So, for the pull-up, you’re going to take an overhand grip,slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and pull your body up to the bar. On the way down, take 3 seconds to lower yourself. Like I said; if you’re unable to do a full pull-up, then get a boost up and just do the lowering phase unassisted. Immediately after all reps for the pull-ups, go right into DB chest presses. With your back on the bench, press the DBs up and in, then down and out. The next superset includes the Incline DB Rows as well as the Incline DB Presses. You should be able to use the same amount of weight for both exercises. So to set yourself up for the Rows, put a slight incline on the seat and a 45-degree incline on the bench, support your chest against the bench, pick up the DBs and row them upwards, while keeping your elbows

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  1. Most of the reps in Buff Dudes, Hot Chicks are around 10, but a few are 12 and a few are 8. Play around to see what works for you!

  2. HAHA look at this fucker man he cant even do more than three pull up strations man

  3. noonevincecarterfan

    Nice workout dream is to see you show a workout with specific exercises for basketball (and other sports) one day :-) that would be really cool.

  4. how many reps should I do per superset exercise?

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