Fat Burning Workouts

Visit Turbulence Training to get your FREE sample fat burning workout. Click here to get started: www.TurbulenceTraining.com Today, I’m going to show you 3 ways that you can do interval training at home with no equipment. So, forget about the fancy treadmill and elliptical machines, all you’ll need for this workout is a dumbbell for two of the exercises along with your bodyweight. The first exercise I’m going to show you are dumbbell Swings. This exercise can also be done with a kettlebell. So, what you will do is perform a series of swings for 30 seconds, and then rest 30-60 seconds, or however long you need, and then repeat that 6 times. A swing is similar to the squat motion, but it involves a lot of power from your hips and not a lot from your arms. So, holding the dumbbell with both hands against your body in front, place your feet a little bit wider than hip width apart, push your hips back, and then swing up. You should be using a lot of hip power to perform this movement. The next exercise you can do are Burpees. This fat burning exercise can be done a couple of different ways. You can drop down, kick your feet out, back in and then jump up, or you can make it more difficult by including a push-up into the Burpee. For this particular movement, you would go down, kick your legs out, push-up, legs in, and jump up. The last exercise you can do is the dumbbell Squat Press. For this exercise, place the dumbbells palms facing out and next to your head, then squat down

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  1. how many day will it takes to burn fat
    plz reply

  2. @maxceedo To go from an inactive person to burning 600 calories a day is pretty intense. Try and change your diet before you go and kill yourself with exercise, and drink lots of water.

  3. @maxceedo doesnt matter..as long as you eat clean you will get results within 6months

  4. I have a question for anyone who can answer it

    Im a 200 pound inactive 16 year old and my entire life was wasted doing nothing
    I never excersiced but here it goes

    If i workout and burn 600 calories a day on a 2000 calorie a day diet what results can i expect.. When?

  5. xxxxxxxxxDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  6. @KongsvingerKongen Burpees… not herpes.

  7. @TheLizardKing1967 Who uses their computer from a lazyboy? =P You’ve got a good point though.

  8. @DpStankHeals If you say that on something like youtube, You probably don’t even HAVE a girlfriend.

  9. KongsvingerKongen

    wtf 1:12 herpes?

  10. nice converse

  11. That first workout looked like something I did with my girlfriend last night.

  12. @TheVoiceism which is why you jog , then workout your arms , then the next day job then your abs , etc…

  13. i loved!

  14. nice chucks

  15. workout + converse in ur legs = fail

  16. Iivingforthemusic

    I don’t think fat people can do that second exercise haha…

  17. @nfarnham2008
    Cardio gets rid of muscle

  18. buildmusclequickly

    Great learning from you!! To see fat burning furnace, watche my video also.

  19. @rottysteve I live in the south jackson area, a lot of bad neighborhoods, gang fights, assaults, etc

  20. Whats wrong with your neighborhood that stops you Jogging?

  21. bullshit

  22. dude jogging is a dumb way of losing fat as u dont burn much fat cos its a natural thing 2 run……circuit training is wayyyyyyyyyyyy better,…..20 min circuit is better than 1 hour jog

  23. lol@ r4j2iLL

  24. looks like ur jerking off but its a good exercise gonna try it

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