Posts Tagged: Workout

Nov 10

12 Minute Fat Loss Workout 9

CLICK HERE for a FREE WORKOUT!! This is the last workout of the 12 minute workout program. We’re going to do a bodyweight circuit as many times as we can in 12 minutes. Start with a decline pushup and move immediately into stick-ups. With your feet about 6 inches away, tuck your elbows into your sides and raise your arms up and down all the while keeping your butt, shoulders, shoulder blades, elbows, wrists and head against the wall. Next, move into a back extension on a ball. Lean on the ball with your feet against something solid to keep you in place. If you are doing this on a slippery surface, make sure you put a mat down to so the ball doesnt slip away from you. Lean forward and back up using your back extensors and also you glutes and hamstrings. Move immediately into stability ball jackknifes. Place your feet on the ball and your elbows on a bench and tuck your knees into your chest. Make sure you keep your abs braced. Finish with regular jumping jacks. Keep your arms up over your head as much as you can to work your shoulder blades and upper back. Do 60 reps. Rest 1 minute and repeat this circuit 2 more times, trying to finish in 12 minutes. Visit Turbulence Training to get your FREE sample fat burning workout. Click here to get started And to get access to the #1 weight loss secret of social support and to ask Craig Ballantyne your weight loss questions, visit the Turbulence Training Membership site here www

Nov 10


CLICK HERE FOR A FREE WORKOUT!! Today we are going to go over high intensity interval training. You have more than likely heard of HIIT because it’s being used in a lot of workout programs these days for fat loss. This is because the smarter trainers know that you get results faster without the need for slow, boring cardio. HIIT involves any type of sprint exercise that lasts for anywhere between 0 and 90 seconds. Anything longer than two minutes can get into what is known as aerobic training. Usually, however, intervals are in the 15-30 or even 45 second range. This means you go hard for this period of time and follow that with a rest period that is very easy. Keep in mind, one of the biggest mistakes people make when doing their interval training is they don’t drop the intensity down low enough during the recovery period. For example, if you are running at 10mph during the hard phase of your interval and then only drop it down to 8mph during the “easy” portion, then you are really just doing cardio, and not HIIT. So, start out with a 5 minute warm-up and then jump into the HIIT, doing a pace you can maintain for 30-45 seconds. After, bring it down to a very easy recovery pace. Now, it doesn’t matter if you are running at 10 or 12 mph – always bring the intensity down to a 3.5 intensity level to allow your body to properly recover. Repeat this six times, followed by a 5 minute cool down and that’s it. So there is an interval training workout

Nov 10


CLICK HERE for a FREE WORKOUT This is workout A of the BW Cardio program. In the first superset, you’ll start out with two of the hardest bodyweight exercises. The first exercise is the Single Leg Squat. All I want you to do is squat as low as you can with good form and then pair that with a series of Pullups. So, for the 1-leg squat, stand on one foot, with your other knee slightly bent and your hands out in front for balance. From here you willpush your hips back and squat down, using your glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps to come back up. Now, if that exercise is too difficult for you, then if you have a band you can wrap it around a bar and use it for balance. Otherwise you can do a regular split squat. If you’re strong enough to do regular pullups then you will try to do 12 repetitions. This will be very difficult to do for three sets, but do your best. To get in position, grab an overhand grip and from a dead hang position, pull your chest up to the bar, squeezing your shoulder blades together at the top. If you’re unable to do pullups, then you will do assisted pullups. You’ll need to set the bar at head height for this exercise. Next, squat down and then pull yourself up, using as much of your upper body as possible. Go through these this superset three times in total, resting one minute after completing each set. Visit Turbulence Training to get your FREE sample fat burning workout. Click here to get started

Nov 10

Free Kettlebell Workout Visit Kettlebell Workouts toget your FREE sample fat burning workout kettlebell workout. I’m Chris Lopez, certified Turbulence Trainer from After a bodyweight warm-up, we’ll start with some front squats. Hold the kettlebell tight to your body, drive your hips back while keeping your abs braced and get down low on your squat so that your upper legs break parallel. The next exercise you will do is around the world. Keep your back straight, your abs and glutes tight and pass the bell from one arm to the other, resisting rotation. It is very important to keep your abs braced and glutes tight because what you are trying to do is pass the bell around without rotating. Keeping your abs braced is key for this exercise. Do this in both directions. Next you will move into 2-handed swings. Keep your back straight and abs braced. Only use your hips to drive back. Your arms are just along for the ride. Don’t try to lift the kettlebell with your shoulders. This is the proper way to perform 2-handed kettlebell swings. Next up are overhead reverse lunges. Keep your abs braced. This is a great upper and full body exercise. Last exercise is a 1-arm swing, doing 5 on each side and alternate this for a total of 15 on each side. I’m looking forward to helping you achieve your goals and become a part of the kettlebell revolution! Click here to get started And to get access to the #1 weight loss secret of social

Nov 10

Kettlebell Bodyweight Stability Ball Exercise Workout

Get your free home gym fat burning workout Here’s an 8 exercise circuit I did in just a tiny space in my small apartment using a kettlebell and a stability ball. It’s a great total body circuit to help you burn fat in no time at all. Exercise #1 Kettlebell Squat – 15 reps Exercise #2 Ooops! Forgot to do a Stability Ball exercise. So just do classic pushups instead for 10-20 repetitions. Exercise #3 Kettlebell Swings – 15 reps Exercise #4 Finally, a Stability Ball exercise! These are called “Y’s” and “T’s” and work the muscles of your upper back between your shoulder blades. Do 8-10 reps for each position. Exercise #5 Kettlebell Shoulder Press – 8 reps per side Exercise #6 Stability Ball Leg Curl – 10-25 reps Exercise #7 1-Arm Kettlebell Swings – 12 reps per side Exercise #8 Stability Ball Rollouts – 8 reps, nice and slow on the way out! So, there’s a very simple workout, where you alternate between the kettlebell and the stability ball. Rest one minute at the end of the circuit and go through it again 2, 3, 4 or even 5 times for a great total body workout. More info to come!Visit Turbulence Training to get your FREE sample fat burning workout. Click here to get started And to get access to the #1 weight loss secret of social support and to ask Craig Ballantyne your weight loss questions, visit the Turbulence Training Membership site here For the most effective exercises to burn belly fat and get

Nov 10

12 Minute Fat Loss Workout 7

CLICK HERE for a FREE WORKOUT!! In workout 7, we’re going to do lower body exercises and an abdominal exercise for a 3-round circuit. Start with Bulgarian Split Squats. If you are strong enough to hold dumbbells, you can do that. Put one foot behind you and on the bench. Drop straight down through your hips and drive back up through your heel. Feel the stretch in your back leg. Next, move immediately into stability ball leg curls. Squeeze your butt as you bridge your hips up the entire movement. Curl the ball in so your body is in a straight line and back out again. Without rest, move into a plank with your elbows on the ball. Your elbows will be positioned slightly ahead of your shoulders. Hold this position and brace your abs. Rest 1 minute and repeat this circuit as many times as you can in 12 minutes. Visit Turbulence Training to get your FREE sample fat burning workout. Click here to get started And to get access to the #1 weight loss secret of social support and to ask Craig Ballantyne your weight loss questions, visit the Turbulence Training Membership site here For the most effective exercises to burn belly fat and get ripped abs visit To see real people just like you lose weight fast visit For daily fat loss workout updates and controversial fat burning tips, visit

Nov 10

Bodyweight Workouts with TT Mini BW Circuit Workout A

CLICK HERE for a FREE WORKOUT!! We’re going to start this circuit with chin-ups. Take an underhand grip and pull yourself up and slowly lower back down. I want you to 2 repetitions to failure. If you dont have a bar, do as many push-ups as you can. Do a classic push-up also 2 repetitions short of failure. Move immediately into prisoner squats. Keep your chest up and elbows back. Drop your hips down and drive back up for 25 repetitions. If you cant do 25, take a little break to get the full 25 reps in. Next will be reverse lunges for 15 repetitions on each side. Step back and down and use your lead leg to come back up. If you have weight, you can add it to this final exercise. Rest 30-60 seconds and repeat this circuit 2-4 more times depending on your fitness level.Visit Turbulence Training to get your FREE sample fat burning workout. Click here to get started And to get access to the #1 weight loss secret of social support and to ask Craig Ballantyne your weight loss questions, visit the Turbulence Training Membership site here For the most effective exercises to burn belly fat and get ripped abs visit To see real people just like you lose weight fast visit For daily fat loss workout updates and controversial fat burning tips, visit

Oct 10

12 Minute Fat Loss Workout 6

CLICK HERE for a FREE Workout!! In this workout you will perform an upper body superset of chin-ups paired with dumbbell chest presses. Now, you won’t be able to lift as much weight as you normally would simply because your body will be fatigued from doing the chin-ups. So, take the bar by an underhand grip, shoulder width apart, and from a dead hang, pull your chest up to the bar and back down. Perform as many reps as you can. Move immediately into dumbbell overhead chest press. Press the db’s up and in, and then down and out. Once you’re done all your reps, rest one minute and then repeat that superset as many times as you can in 12 minutes. Visit Turbulence Training to get your FREE sample fat burning workout. Click here to get started And to get access to the #1 weight loss secret of social support and to ask Craig Ballantyne your weight loss questions, visit the Turbulence Training Membership site here

Oct 10

12 Minute Fat Loss Workout 5

CLICK HERE for a FREE Workout!! This workout is another total body, 3-exercise workout. You’ll start out this mini circuit with a dumbbell squat. So, for this exercise, grab a set of dumbbells and place them at your sides. Next, push your hips back and squat down, then drive up. However, as you come up, you will do a bicep curl into an overhead press. Repeat. Once you’re done that exercise, move immediately into a T-push up. So, go down into a regular push up position, and then as you come up, swing one arm out and rotate out so that your arm is perpendicular to the ground. Bring your arm down, do a push up, and then repeat for the other side. After that exercise you’ll do a series of burpees. So, go down, kick your legs out, do a push up, jump up, and then repeat that for 30 seconds. That’s it for the mini-circuit, so you can take a rest, and then repeat that as many times as you can in 12 minutes. Visit Turbulence Training to get your FREE sample fat burning workout. Click here to get started And to get access to the #1 weight loss secret of social support and to ask Craig Ballantyne your weight loss questions, visit the Turbulence Training Membership site here

Oct 10


CLICK HERE for a FREE WORKOUT!! You can easily do a full-body workout at home with no or minimal equipment to burn body fat and gain muscle. The best way to start out any workout is with a bodyweight warm-up, including squats, pushups, and abdominal exercises. Skip the treadmill. Once you’ve completed your warm-up, then move into strength training exercises, such as a chest exercise and a rowing exercises. To make your workout time as short and effective as possible, pair those two exercises together with no rest in between to form a superset. Another great superset pairing is either the dumbbell squat or dumbbell split squat with a dumbbell shoulder press for your upper body. By combining two exercises focusing on both upper and lower body, you work one body part while the other rests and recovers. This will allow you to work the body part harder next time around. So, from just those two supersets you’ve now worked your entire body in only 20 minutes. To up the fat burning workout, add on 20 minutes of interval training following the strength training portion. Craig Ballantyne from Turbulence Training and TTMembers tells us how to exercise your entire body in order to lose fat and gain muscle. http