Alcohol Abuse Hinders Recovery from Stress Related Disorders

It’s not unusual for people to want to quiet their nerves by having stiff drink. However, this could potentially be completely counterproductive for individuals who would like to get over devastating experiences or life changes. Research conducted recently that is located in the journal of Nature Neuroscience has discovered how heavy alcohol consumption affects the brain so as to make it much harder for individuals fighting alcoholism to overcome a traumatic incident.

Drunk And Sober Mice

The investigation was done by a instructor of pharmacology from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, along with a scientist from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). To carry out the study, one faction of mice was given a quantity of alcohol that equals the amount to put a human two times over the authorized driving limit. Being the control group, another set of mice was kept sober. Researchers then utilized a conditioning approach in which they induced mild electric shocks to generate the fear of a noise. Once the tone was sounded continuously without the accompaniment of the shock, researchers discovered a significant difference in the length of time it took for the two groups to not be distressed by the noise. The alcohol free faction eventually stopped being fearful of the sound, while the mice with alcohol exposure were troubled for a long period of time after the electric shocks had stopped.


The researchers learned that the reaction the group of mice with alcohol exposure displayed what looked like how individuals who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) respond fearfully in circumstances which are not threatening. When looking at the nerve cells within the brains of both groups of mice, scientists discovered that the cells of the alcohol-exposed rodents had been morphed into a different structure. Further more, the capabilities of important circuits in the brain were stifled inside the inebriated mice. Alcohol demonstrated to possess debilitating effects on both the emotional processes of the subjects and also the molecular operates inside the brain.


These findings were incredibly useful given that they present exactly where abusive drinking is linked to problems of conquering trauma in the brain and how heavy alcohol consumption is only able to briefly conceal the anguish of anxiety and fear. Through good research, scientists are hoping to find different methods to treat people who have alcoholism and co-occurring anxiety disorders. Sober living is vital in overcoming the unbearable effects of a traumatic event. While the pain of previous incidents may be sometimes excruciating, individuals must take a normal step-by-step approach to be able to truly defeat it.

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