Posts Tagged: Workout

Sep 10

Gain Muscle and Lose Fat – TT Meatheads IV: Get Lean and Jacked Workout B

CLICK HERE for a FREE WORKOUT!! We’re going to do a lot of different things in this workout starting with the first exercise. This isn’t your classic superset format. You will be doing dumbbell forward lunges, performing all reps on one side before switching to the other for all reps on that side. You will do these for 8 reps on each side. Take a minute rest and repeat this set 2 more times for a total of 3 sets. Next, you will move into a barbell squats and back extensions. Barbell back squats are next. Your legs will be a little tired from the last set, so you won’t use your maximum weight for these. With the bar positioned at chest height, step underneath it with a relatively close grip (unless you have shoulder mobility problems). Take the bar off the rack and step back with a medium stance with feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Keep your chest up, head forward and up and drop your hips down and back, then drive back up. For Back Extensions, lie down on the ball with your feet in a shoulder width stance for good support. Positionyour hands behind your head and keep your chest up as you raise your body up. You can also use a back extension chair if you have access to one. Rest for 1 minute and repeat that set 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets. Next, you will move into a kettlebell 500 circuit as the interval portion of this program. You will only do 3 exercises, but you will perform 500 total repetitions. First, start with

Sep 10

Beginner Workout Bodyweight Exercises Beginners Workout using the Turbulence Training System and bodyweight exercises only. You can do an amazing fat burning beginner workout lying on the ground using your own bodyweight exercises. You don’t need to go to a fancy gym to get started. In fact, it’s better to do bodyweight exercises at home in beginner workouts because you won’t be intimidated by the folks at the gym. It’s not a fashion show at home! This is a simple beginner workout you can do in the comfort of your own home with bodyweight exercises. For more fat burning beginner workouts and bodyweight exercises you can do at home, visit

Sep 10


CLICK HERE for a FREE WORKOUT!! If you love training arms but just dont have time for those exercises in your busy schedule, here are 3 systems that you can use at the end of your regular workout to add in some additional arm exercises, while keeping your workout time as short as possible. There are 2 alternative ways in which you can add 3 minute arms to your workouts. The first is adding one of the systems to the end of your workout, three times per week. Or, you can do three different versions of 3- minute arms as one workout, taking 12 minutes in total with a minute of rest in between each. Below I will outline each of the 3 different 3-minute arm systems. System 1 5X5 Method To start, choose a weight that you can normally do 8 repetitions in dumbbell curls and dumbbell tricep extensions. Now, instead of completing 8 reps, you will do 5 repetitions for each exercise with no rest in between exercises or supersets. Repeat this the superset 5 times, again with no rest. You should be able to use the same weight for both exercises. Although the weight might be a little easier for the tricep exercise, once you fatigue, it will become more difficult. You should be able to get that arm workout done in about 2 minutes 55 seconds and have a nice little arm pump to end the workout. System 2 – 4X6 Method This system is very similar to the first one. For the 4X6 you will do four sets of six repetitions with no rest in between exercises or supersets. Two

Sep 10


CLICK HERE for a FREE WORKOUT!! This is the interval section for phase 2. Interval training is when you do a period of hard work followed by a period of easy work. Although I do prefer the stationary bike for interval training, I’m going to demonstrate on the treadmill how to properly do interval training workouts in phase 2 of my Turbulence Training workouts. A good time to do your interval workouts is immediately after your strength training session. That way you only have 3 full training days per week. With that being said, after you’ve finished strength training workout “A”, you’ll move into the interval portion for workout “A”. Start by warming up for 5 minutes at a progressive pace and then you are going to go 45 seconds at a hard 8.5-9 intensity level, followed by 90 seconds at an easy 3/10 intensity level. You want to make sure you bring it down to a nice and easy pace during your recovery. This will ensure that you are able to go really hard during the hard portion. That counts as one interval and you will repeat that 5 more times for a total of 6 intervals. For interval workout “B”, you’ll again start with your 5 minute warm-up and then move into 60 seconds of hard work followed by 90 seconds of recovery. This time, however, your hard interval will not be as difficult at it was in interval workout “A”, but still at a pretty good pace that allows you to do 60 seconds of hard work. As a side note, you always want to be able to finish

Sep 10

DIET Vs EXERCISE Episode 2: Fat Loss Diet versus Best Cardio Workout to Burn Belly Fat

CLICK HERE for a FREE WORKOUT: Visit Turbulence Training to get your FREE sample fat burning workout. Click here to get started And to get access to the #1 weight loss secret of social support and to ask Craig Ballantyne your weight loss questions, visit the Turbulence Training Membership site here For daily fat loss workout updates and controversial fat burning tips, visit

Sep 10

DIET vs EXERCISE Episode 1: Fat Loss Diet versus Best Cardio Workout to Burn Belly Fat

CLICK HERE for a FREE WORKOUT: First instalment of diet vs. exercise where Craig Ballantyne and Brad Pilon show you how ineffective cardio is and just how dramatic your calorie intake can be without you knowing it. The simple truth is; you can’t out-train a bad diet. Today, in this contest, Craig Ballantyne is going to run on the treadmill on an incline of .5 and a speed of 10.5 mph for 3 minutes, while Brad Pilon eats pizza and drinks soda pop. Brad is going to try to consume as many calories as he can in those 3 minutes, while Craig is going to see how many calories he can burn off in that same amount of time. In 3 minutes, Brad consumed approximately 1000 total calories, while Craig burned only 43 calories. Cardio loses against diet. This just goes to show you, in diet vs. exercise, you can never out train a bad diet. It doesn’t matter how good your program is, if this is your nutrition, you’re not going to lose fat. Visit Turbulence Training to get your FREE sample fat burning workout. Click here to get started And to get access to the #1 weight loss secret of social support and to ask Craig Ballantyne your weight loss questions, visit the Turbulence Training Membership site here For daily fat loss workout updates and controversial fat burning tips, visit

Aug 10


CLICK HERE for a FREE WORKOUT!! This is six minute abs, advanced system number one. You’ll love this bodyweight program that is crunch, sit-up, and cardio free and will help you get a flat stomach with six pack abs. Now, even though this program doesn’t have the traditional crunches or sit-ups in it, you’ll still find that this ab workout trains your abs as hard as any workout program before. In this workout system, you are going to do six exercises in a circuit, and then you are going to rest for one minute and then repeat the circuit one more time for a total of six minutes. So, to start, you’ll begin with the stability ball jackknife exercise. Place your elbows on a bench, your feet on the ball, and your body in a straight line. Next, brace your abs and bringyour knees into your chest, and then slowly back out. Repeat. The next exercise in the circuit is for abdominal endurance and is the side plank. So, position your body on its side resting your body on your elbow. Be sure to keep your body in a straight line and your hips forward with your abs braced. Hold and then switch sides and repeat. Once you’ve finished the side plank exercise, move immediately into the stability ball mountain climber. So, with your hands on the ball, abs braced and your body in a straight line, bring your knee up to your chest and then back out. Alternate sides. The fourth exercise in this abdominal circuit is the X-body mountain climber. To start, get in the push

Aug 10

Beginner Total Torso Training Workout B

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE WORKOUT! www.turbulencetraining.comVisit Turbulence Training to get your FREE sample fat burning workout. Click here to get started This is workout B of the Turbulence Training Beginner Total Torso Training program. And to get access to the #1 weight loss secret of social support and to ask Craig Ballantyne your weight loss questions, visit the Turbulence Training Membership site here

Aug 10

Beginner Total Torso Training Workout C

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE WORKOUT! www.turbulencetraining.comVisit Turbulence Training to get your FREE sample fat burning workout. Click here to get started This is Workout C of the Turbulence Training Beginner Total Torso Training program. And to get access to the #1 weight loss secret of social support and to ask Craig Ballantyne your weight loss questions, visit the Turbulence Training Membership site here